Adding an external power supply to a cheap USB hub

Hi again! In this post I'm going to show you how to add an external power supply to a cheap USB hub. :)

(Click the photo for better resolution in Picasa Photostream)
I've been running some experiments with two Logitech Quickcam for Notebooks Pro and the Raspberry Pi and unfortunately I haven't been getting any good results. I can't get many fps and some of the captured frames contain corrupted data but I think I may have found out the reason for that. After some reading I verified that the USB ports of the Raspberry Pi can only source 100mA to a device and maybe the cameras are consuming more than that. To bypass that problem I went out to buy a USB hub with external power supply.

Hi! Have you ever needed to find some files in linux? Here's a quick and easy "How To" on it. To locate files you can use the command "locate" (yes, to locate, use "locate", pretty obvious, huh? :P). If you know the name of the file just launch a terminal and write:
locate "filename" 

(Click the photo for better resolution in Picasa Photostream)

Hi! This post is about a common need for everyone. That's highly probable that, at least once, you needed to resize lots of pictures, either to spare some storage space or just because you needed them to have a specific size for some reason. Below you'll find a script to do it with no effort :) It is based on my previous script for Overlaying a logo in multiple images at once. Once again we'll use the "convert" program from the Imagemagick toolkit.

(Click the photo for better resolution in Picasa Photostream)

Hi! If you work with computer vision maybe you have had the need to generate a video from a sequence of images, in order to get a dynamic view of your results. I'm going to show you a very easy way to do that with a simple command, using ffmpeg :) .

(Click the photo for better resolution in Picasa Photostream)
